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Memon the Ponderer

The Great Thinker and Scientist

Lord Joseph Simonous Memon (a.k.a. Ponderer, Thinker)

Some say "I think there fore I am". But Who is the *I* doing
the thinking?
— quote often falsly attributed to Memon
  Memon was one of the great thinkers and scholars in the post Great Barrier world. Philosophy and the nature of the world were his primary subjects, but strictly speaking, Memon was a polymath and many of his Great Works are considered to be required reading for theologians and anyone who wants to study the natural world, the supernatural and the sciences.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a reasonably wealthy minor noble family that served under Biblios Memon had a life of leisure. Granted access to the libraries of Biblios quite early he spent many days in his youth there, reading about the natural world, the supernatural and the sciences.


Although never in an official relationship, Memon was known to have taken male, female and non-binary lovers. However, records show that this more likely to have been an attempt to sate his curiosity about such things rather than a true reflection of his sexuality.


To use modern equivalents, Memon had the equivalent of at least 1 PhD and several Masters by the time he left formal education. The option was provided for him to stay and continue, believing he could have got many more, but a desire to "see for himself and make his own observations to ponder about" got too strong and he left not long after his 21st birthday.


Coming from a wealthy noble family Memon never wanted for traditional employment and was able to mostly fund his own expeditions and filed trips. A Reasonably modest (for a noble) lifestyle and income form the various discovers and papers sent back to Biblios meant he never knew true poverty.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Memon accomplished much in his lifetime, but his greatest works which got him fame in scholastic and arcane circles included:
  • "The Nature of the Bleed"
  • "The 12 Principles of the Divine of Franner"
  • "The Natural and Supernatural Wonders of the World"

Failures & Embarrassments

Memon biggest and most famous failure was on his first expedition to The Bleed in 843 , his third such mission for research purposes. Having only heard tales of this area and being rather dismissive of them as "folks tales that have become twisted over time." Despite warning not to bring a powerful magic user with them, a Spellstorm found them and killed 90% of their 30 people group, injuring Memon legs which gave him a limp for the rest of his days.

Mental Trauma

After the "Bleed Incident," Memon was more determined to study and learn about the supernatural. One of his greatest works "The Nature of The Bleed" was his first publication that got world wide notice and for many was the book that showed just how dangerous that area of the world truly is.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious about nature and the supernatural, but was said to have been rather more stubborn with regards to studying phenomena and the divine.

Morality & Philosophy

Having grown up in Biblios the phrase "Knowledge is power" was a part of his morality. There were persistent tales that, if given the choice between saving someone's life and a lost book of information, he would have paused to think about carefully before making a decision.

Personality Characteristics


Seeking out knowledge of the natural and supernatural world
Chaotic Neutral
820 AB 880 AB 60 years old
Bright blue
short, black with grey streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light brown
79 KG
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I shall ponder on the matter"
Known Languages
Believed to have been able to speak 4 languages like a native, Halenic, Elven, Dwarf, Gnomish and many more to a passible level.


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