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Merchant Wagon

A stable of merchants and travelers the world over

Eyup, you see many wagons on the road these days. Of course, some routes are riskier than others, but as the wise gnome once said - The riskier the road, the greater the profit. Now hand me my crossbow, looks like we're in bandit country
— Unkown Merchant
  The merchant wagon is a variation on the generic wagon known throughout the multiverse. Its purpose is simple. The transportation of goods to a destination. These goods can be food, drink, weapons, building materials, or even people as passengers. They are often not very comfortable to ride in, but, if you need a dependable, regular system for getting your cargo from A to B and beyond, then the merchant wagon is the item for you.

Power Generation

Merchant wagons generally don't have a power system, although a few of the Major houses are experimenting with them or using magic to "grease the wheels"


The most common method of propulsion for a merchant wagon is horses. Depending on the load , size of the wagon and the horses breed used, it can vary from 1 to several horses. Two is the more common number, but it is not unknown for the larger wagons to have 4, espically if the animals pulling are smaller.

Weapons & Armament

The merchant wagons themselves don't have weapons. If there are any present they come from what the crew and any passengers are using.

Armor and defense

As armour is heavy and reduces capacity, merchant wagons generally don't have defence systems. Some of the more wealthy owners and merchants do have their wagons enchanted or made from materials that are resistant to attacks or fire etc, but these are very expensive and rare outside the major trade routes between the nations.
40gp +
10 feet
15 to 20 feet
5 feet
400lb +
typical, can 25-30 miles per day, allowing for rests and not pushing the animals to breaking and allowing for optimum travel conditions
Complement / Crew
1 driver/controller
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1 slot per 5 square feet of space, one of which has to be the driver/controller


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