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Ritual of Binding

If the caster dies, so does the area affected

If I go, it's all coming with me!
— Arcas, Archmage


The essence of this spell, or more correctly, ritual, is to bind an area to the lifeforce of the caster. If the caster dies, the area and anything that was within it when the spell was complete disintegrates into a fine dust that itself disappears soon afterwards. Anything destroyed by this cannot be brought back by anything more than a carefully worded Wish like a spell.

Side/Secondary Effects

Once the spell has taken hold, the area and any previously non-enchanted items give off a faint aura of Abjuration. Also, any already effected by a binding spell cannot be affected by another one as long as the spell is still ongoing. Divination and other similar magic can tell who the effect is "connected" to.


The area affected glows for a brief moment like the noonday sun, then quickly fades back to normal. Otherwise, the spell is silent and quite covert.


This was a spell created by Halen, god of Magic as part of his ascension to full-godhood.
Material Components
The area to be affected by the spell and/or the items contained within are the primary components. Other rare chalks, ink and inscriptions are required to mark out the area to be bound.
Related Discipline
Binding and Protection
Related School
Effect Duration
The spell has a permanent effect that lasts until the death of the caster or they cancel it with a 10 min ritual designed just for this purpose.
Effect Casting Time
1 hour per 5 foot square of the area
For mortal the limit is up to one mile. For deites and supernatural creatures there is no-know limit
9th level, but technically would be a 20th level spell
Applied Restriction
As this spell cannot be cast again on something else already effected by the Ritual, it cannot be cast in Easthalen again.

Spells of Halen

Ritual of Binding

9-level Abjuration (ritual)

Casting Time 1 Day
Range Varies
Duration Varies
Components V,S,M
Materials Location to be bound to

This spell can only be cast as a ritual. On success, it binds the caster to a location. If anything terminal happens to the one who cast the spell, the bound area and all its contents start to disintegrates into dust, which in turn disappears into nothing.   This spell is known to be "unbalanced" by spell-casters the world over and very few want to use it as it was the spell that Halen used, granted with a god-like level of power, to bind himself to the fabric of reality.   The DC to successfully cast this spell is 20 + 2 per 5-foot increments. There are ways to reduce this DC but there are kept a closely guarded secret by those who know about them
At higher levels: Starting at an area 5 x 5 x 5 feet for one day, each level of the caster doubles the area and duration

Class(es): Wizard


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