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Scroll of the Conclave

By signing this, you have brought the world on the path to healing. We have all seen that there are many terrors "out there". We needed to work together or die alone. And we have begun to show just what we are capable of doing
— Erus Cambell, Signing of the first Conclave
  The Scroll of the Conclave, is, technically speaking a class of items. But often when people refer to a Scroll of the Conclave (SotC) they mean the first and most well known, the one used by Erus Cambell, the bringer of Peace at the first Conclave of House-Nations .   Although the method of construction of the original SotC is not understood, scryers, diviners, mages and so on, have been able to careful study the scroll to duplicate it's effects, but at a much lesser potency.   The way the SotC worked and its children items, is quite simple:  
  • A contract is inscribed on the scroll in a pre-determined way
  • Those who are to be signatory must be able to read the scroll or have it read to them honestly with no trickery or deliberate falsehoods
  • The scroll is signed and then sealed , with wax or equivalent
  Once signed, there is a small grace period, normally 24 hours to allow the signatories to pull out of the deal. Once sealed in, the scroll becomes active. Anyone who breaks the terms of the contract is magically punished, with the punishment being listed beforehand. There are many who believe that this is the reason for the "read to them honestly" clause in the activation process. There have been quite a few stories over the years of signatory's of the so-called "children scrolls" having been mislead and then the one who did so being punished instead when the contract was broken.   The scrolls normally have a inbuilt duration, a natural expiry date or clause to say when the scrolls effect will end. The more clauses and rules, the longer the scroll needs to be and the more it costs.   Each scroll is different but often has similar features to the original SotC , but as yet, none of them have all the feature nor the range and longevity of the original. Where Erus aquired the scroll is still one of great mystery and a secret he took to his grave.    

Common Features

The more features the contract-scroll has the more it costs. The SotC has all the features listed below, plus a few others known only to a few
  • Resistance to damage (the SotC is believed to be indestructible)
  • Cant be changed, once active (unless there is a clause allow changes)
  • If desired, those who sign the contract are alerted if anyone else who signed breaks it
  • Breaking the contract activates the punishment immediately (unless there is a clause allowing for a time for correction etc)
  • Some of these contract scroll are immune to scrying/remote reading. To see what it says, you need to actually read the scroll
  • A clause may be added that only the signatory, or their approved representatives can read or even touch the scroll. Punishments for reading/touching scrolls with these effects are generally limited to non-harmful, unless a warning system is part of the scroll.

The Scroll of The Conclave

  As well as the features listed above, the SotC has several other features only found on itself and , as of yet, not been duplicated anywhere else  
  • The Great Houses-Nations are affected. Each Great house has their own methods of succession and so on. Unlike others, the Great Scroll will affect those that take up the legal position as rulers and so on. As such, even those those who didnt sign the Great Scroll are bound by its rules and laws
  • Each Great-Houses is bound by the scroll to maintain its borders and expand no further. Between each GH a "neutral zone" of sorts was allocated, and these areas are contested
  • Wars are banned between the Great Houses. Minor skirmishes and so on are allowed, but outright war isnt. Over the years various attempts at discerning what "outright war" means have been attempted, but all have resulted in things going bad for both sides.
  • Banding together against an "outside force" is not only allowed, but encouraged. A few scholars have determined that this may refer to "the other world" or the planes beyond.
  • One well known clause in the Great Scroll is that if any of the signatory (or their approved descendants) is destroyed, the powers of the scroll shall be temporary nullified, to allow the other houses to deal with the House-Nation that caused this issue.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Belived to be a mixture of arcane, divine and maybe some psionic "magic" those that sign the scroll are bound by it and the rules/contract on it.


World Significane - if it wasn't for the SotC, then the House-Nations would have fought to the death and tore each other apart
Item type
Unique Artifact
The original is unique, by the major items there were based off of it are uncommon to rare.
3 KG
Base Price
The original scroll is priceless and heavily guarded. the so-called "lesser" scrolls based on it have prices from 1,000g upwards.


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