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Self Cleaning Silk

Never wash this material, for it cleans itself

Yes dahling, this garment is made the finest of silks, yes you can feel the quality if you like. It just glides through the fingers like it's not quite there doesn't it?


Material Characteristics

Seems to only come in dark colours, such as purple, black, or navy blue.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Liquids, dirt and other such material simply cannot stick to SCS, it just falls right off.


Silk, a dark type of dye and various alchemical compunds go together. As such only one company @

Geology & Geography

Developed in Guldaria , the secret of making this silk is closely guarded

History & Usage

Everyday use

It is expensive and hard to make material, as such is only really used by nobles and those with enough money to purchase the costly garments that are made from it.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Wearing something proven to be SCS is a sign of wealth and many non-nobles considered it to be showing off and vulgar to have garments made from it.

Manufacturing & Products

The secrets to making SCS are a borderline state secret. Only one company, who's name is kept secret is allowed to make it and only sells it to a verified and authorised sellers who are sworn to secrecy about the name and nature of the maker.


There are no known hazards to SCS, but rumours persist that if one does manage to damage the item, then it can fall apart quite quickly. Stories say that even a single thread removed can cause the garment to unravel at a fast speed.

Reusability & Recycling

Due to the nature of its manufacturing and self-destruction tendancys, if damaged, this material cannot be recycled by any known means outside of magic.
Many say there is no smell or odor to SCS, but likewise other say there is a very faint chemical smell to it, but it can be easily masked.
Only found in dark colours, such a purple, blue or black


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