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Side Effects aka Surges

When a spell is cast, the user is opening a conduit between their local reality and the Mad God. This energy is chaotic and powerful. Even the most simple of spells, if used by the untrained will trigger a side effect called a Surge. The spell also has a chance to fail, so you could be doubly unlucky and have no spell AND a Surge occur. For some desperate people, this risk is worth it. Several “rules” have, over the years, being discovered about the nature of this world effect and of Surges. There are always exceptions and new theories being put forth all the time. Surges are worse for those who use divine miracles – This is believed to be a punishment from the patron deity for using the power and abilities of the Mad One. Some areas will trigger a Surge even for those trained in the art of suppressing them. Being trained will reduce the effective level of the surge. Anyone caught casting spells (or even attempting to do so) who do not have the proper training are severely punished by the authorities. Young sentient beings, those approximatly 13 or so and younger (or racial equivalent), are the few who cannot cast magic. Being afraid of using magic is something drummed into most children at a very young age. Luckily almost all magic will fail (with no Surge) if attempted to be used by someone at a young age.


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