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Temporal Regression

When mental degeneration meets a high magical field

It was horrible, seeing her regress like that. We all thought that she was getting better, but it was just the Regression. By the times we realised what it really was.. it was too late...
  Temporal Regression, often simply referred to as Regression, is what happens when the terrible chronic neurodegenerative disease of Alzheimer's meets a high magical field such as one found in Easthalen. Luckily it is very rare, but enough cases occurred over the years since the formation of the Great Barrier that a study was made and an official name given to the condition.

Transmission & Vectors

Regression is not something you can "catch." It is commonly found in the older population, but it is not unheard of for younger people to get it, making this already horrible condition hated even more.


The bases cause is a mixture of genetics and environmental. Many people have the potential for Regression due to family lines, but throw in a high amount of background magic and some diseases and conditions take on a new level of horror.


At first, the disease resembles the early stages of Alzheimer's. The condition worsens, then, quite suddenly, seems to get better. The patients' memories are a bit fuzzy but that to be expected. It starts of slow, but as time goes by the person affected seems to get better, but their memories of events that have recently occurred worsen. As it progresses they physically seem to improve, even get better then they used to be before the disease took hold, all whilst memory of events that have occurred are gone, as if it never happened.   Soon though, it becomes very apparent that the person is in fact getting younger. As they "age backwards", any memories and knowledge they have gained in that period are lost. For example, if someone aged 80 was afflicted by regression and was at the stage where they had regressed back to 75, any memories or knowledge they had gained whilst 75-80 is gone, as for them, it has never happened.   Regression occurs at an exponential rate. Once it begins it starts at a day, then 2, then 4 and so on. Very quickly the person who is suffering from this condition becomes an adult again, then a young adult, then a teen, then a child, then they become un-born. One saving grace is that like Alzheimer's, the one afflicted with this is often not aware of what is going on as any new memories are rapidly erased, but it can be very confusing and frightening for them.


There are, at the moment, two known ways of stopping Regression. One is legal but very costly, the other is very illegal but much more effective.   Method 1 is the use of a Wish spell or the equivalent. Method 2 is some form of Temporal Magic. But as this method is banned by all the 12 Great Houses and even possession of a spell related to this, most people do not even know this option exists.


Once Regression becomes confirmed, there is very little that can be done except to make sure the affected person is looked after.

Affected Groups

This can affect all known sentient species but seems to be more prevalent amongst humanoids.


Although Easthalen has a high amount of background magic, some areas are higher than others, such as The Bleed . It does appear that avoiding living too long in those areas does reduce the chance of Regression occurring by a large margin.


The first known case was around 50 years after the Great Barrier had been formed. It seems that those who had been born before the World Barrier was erected were immune, but for anyone else, the possibility remained. There seems to be at least 1 or 2 confirmed "official" cases per year, with many clerics and other medical professionals agree that there are definitely more that go unrecorded.

Cultural Reception

Those affected by Regression are treated with, for the most part, sympathy and compassion, once the condition becomes known. Even Guldaria , known for it rather strict treatment of its citizens has a high amount of compassion for those affected.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare


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