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The Grabber

Beware the Grabber child, for it seeks to eat the misbehaving

If you don't behave, the Grabber shall come for you. Oh, you can laugh, but remember how the neighbour's child was misbehaving and then we all heard his screams in the night...The next day all they found was his severed hand! Yes you remember, now go finish tidying your room and I will make sure it doesn't come for you tonight
— Many rather stressed out parents


The Grabber is a fairy-tale told to misbehaving children to help get them to behave. Often told in areas close to The Bleed, the story goes that Grabby will lurk around villages, looking out for misbehaving children who stay up late or go out when they shouldn't or otherwise being typical misbehaving children.   The name comes from the fact that the only thing one sees of the entity is their long arms and clawed hands that can reach through windows and "grab" at things. The hand/arm islong, thing but also very muscular at the same time. What happens to those grabbed afterwards is normally unpleasant.

Historical Basis

There is a historical basis for the Grabber. As the myth originated in an area near to The Bleed , a few researchers have found some evidence that The Grabber may in fact be a real thing. Possibly a mutated ghoul of some kind or other flesh-eater. Combine this with the typical nature of some children to disobey their parent's commands for keeping windows closed at night or not to go off on their own and so on and you can see how the legend might have started.


The original story myth started in Terrex but the effective of the Grabber as a warning spread quite far. It is treated in much the same way as the so-called "boogeyman" is on other worlds.

Variations & Mutation

Cultural historians who have studied this myth have noticed that as time goes by the description of The Grabber has got more exaggerated. One such variation as it so that the arm of the Grabber can stretch and follow the child through the house like a snake, whilst another has been known to arrive via the privvy, causing many an issue with potty training in certain areas when older siblings pass on the story to their younger family members.

Cultural Reception

As the myth started in Terrex it is a traditional part of "the childhood experience" there. Outside of that place, it is regarded as nothing more than what it is present as, a child's morality tale designed to help parents keep their offspring under control. But the fact that stories of it keep popping up in areas all over the world near to The Bleed is a curious one.

In Art

Although the story of Grabby is more of a folk-tale told verbally, there does exist some artwork in the form of paintings related to the story.


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