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Vapos Spice

The Spicy Seafood that has a bite of it's own!

I can handle any spice! Give me some of the Spiced Calamari!
— Anon, just before been taken to the clerics for an allergic reaction
  Vapos is regarded at the nation that, in effect, controls or at least oversees the worlds ocean. Their food is, from an outsiders point of view almost all seafood, but the Vapos Spice, created from a form of dried seaweed, is considered to be rather potent and not for the faint-hearted. It can turn the blandest of seafood dishes into something hot. Use too much and it can feel like you are eating fire!


Vapos had always been focused on the seas. It has been said that to be a citizen is to "be born and die on the ocean". This, as you can imagine, would be reflected in their food. Flavourings had always been added to various dishes around the world, but a particular flavouring called, unoriginally, Vapos Spice, is something that only they use, at least in a ritual fashion. Those who are not of Vapos and use the spice on anything other then seafood are looked down on and mocked somewhat.


In Vapos , one must place at least a small pinch of the Spice on your plate before starting your meal. You do not have to consume the spice and it must be present at the start of your meal. To start to consume your food without it having touched your plate is seen as an insult to the cook/maker, indicating in a way that the food is not worthy of having the spice used. This is done in silence, almost reverentially. Once this is done then consumption of the dish may begin.

Components and tools

Traditionally, the spice is stored in an air-tight jar or another container that in some ways stops moisture from getting to the spice, thus ruining its unique flavour.


The placing of the spice on one's plate is done first. It may be placed directly on the food as well at the same time, but some must be touching the plate directly. There is no upper limit to the amount you may place on your food, but it is considered rude to take and not use more than a pinch at a time.


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