Imp Myth in Eather'an | World Anvil
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Written by Salen

Nothing frightens orcs more than creatures of magic. The elves they enslaved could cast this devastating force by asking the elements, but they fixed that by silencing them. This creature though technically doesn't have to say anything, in so far that they know. The little demon is a myth however, especially since one hasn't been seen for centuries. The last recorded sighting was the day of the Wicked Seltemver, and since then stories abound of this powerful demonic creature.  
by Faxtar
  Stories of Imps cause nightmares in children and adult orcs alike, and even the elven slaves shudder at the thought of this tiny demonic creature. The stories they tell are many and varied, but all have one thing in common. they are evil wicked creatures.


An Imp is supposedly a tiny demon summoned from the deepest Hells and linked to a being of immense power. They then can control this tiny demon and cause it to burn, torture, and kill those that displease it. The Imp has certain things that it can or cannot do, according to the Orc historians.  

Holy Water

The Imp cannot affect anyone that has been doused with holy water. this can be done easily by any priest of Grash and only takes a minute to bless the water to be dumped over their heads.  

Cold Iron

This substance, which has been mined by the dwarven slaves for centuries, can be wrought into pure iron weapons and can easily slay these wicked beasts, though thus far it has never been done.

Historical Basis

The history behind the Imp is linked to the arrival of the Wicked Seltemver. On that day he appeared with his pet and wrecked havoc. The imp, named Amonar, was seen causing flames to erupt under orcs, and even cracked apart a ship in the channel by Largeth, causing flames to shoot out into the sky. This has been the only recorded appearance of the Imp as a creature, and so has passed into Myth.


This fabled creature has spread as far as the story of his master and has seen quite a few more variations as well. Now this creature can be found in stories about selling souls, making deals with greedy orcs, or even at children's parties (Pin the tail on the Imp)

Variations & Mutation

Imps come in all shapes and sizes, but the only one they have ever seen was Amonar, so as such they are usually all three feet tall and dark red in skin color. Over the years they have evolved into creatures with horns, long tails of flame, and eyes that glow a deep red when angry.

Amonar flew up off Seltemver's shoulder, knowing confrontation was imminent once more. "Why is it, everywhere we go, people want to kill you?" he asked, his voice rising with every note; he hated violence.

"My winning personality?" Seltemver answered without skipping a beat. He slashed an orc with his blade and spun around another as they came at the pair.

"Yeah, that has to be why," the imp finished dryly, flapping his wings over to the elf girl they were calling Silence.

- Any Orc in a Storm

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Cover image: Mtg - Island by Piotrdura


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