Tribe of Anzagorak Organization in Eather'an | World Anvil
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Tribe of Anzagorak

The Tribe of Anzagorak (or Tribe of self protection as it translates from the goblin tongue) is a goblin tribe that lives in The Wild Tor They do not have a permanent settlement, instead wandering like hunter gatherers and living off the land in caves and caverns underground. They tend to move every month, staying in a place suited for the temperature and weather of the season, then moving to a more habitable area. The Tribe is unusual in that they do not fight among themselves like most other goblins, and they all follow their chief's rules and orders willingly, without strong arm tactics.


Laws of the Tribe

The Tribe of Anzagorak doesn't have many firm laws set in stone, but there are a couple big ones. The main law of the tribe is No violence against each other. Violators are banished forever from the tribe. Disputes are brought to the Chief and argued over calmly, with the Chief having the final word. If the dispute is over an offense then combat may be initiated in a controlled bout, with the Chief presiding over the combatants. Second law of the tribe is no theft of personal property. If you barter for something its yours, but taking someones things is punishable by banishment for one year. If the violator lives and comes back, they can be let in again. The last law is more of a ritual instead of a hard law. Everytime you eat, you thank the entire tribe for the gift of protection. If one survives, so we all.


The Tribe of Anzagorak was created slowly, developing over time. They first drew together when their Chief, Han'grak Bloodfist came to them and offered stability. It was a weird word, but when he described it, they understood its importance to their survival

Technological Level

The Tribe of Anzagorak is not technologically advanced at all. They still use bow & arrow, plus swords and knives and are actually incompetent when it comes to any black power weapons at all.

Foreign Relations

The Goblins of the Tribe of Anzagorak aren't typical of their race when it comes to dealing with the other races. This isn't to say they haven't had their disputes, but in general they deal well with any visitors that adhere to their most basic laws.

If one survives, so we all.

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Notable Members

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Cover image: by Raphael Lübke


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