Welcome to the land of Tamia, a continent full of both magic and clockwork technology. Separated into four nations, the people favor their gearwheel vehicles and their airships as much as the elves love their elemental magic to fly through the air. Dwarves toil away making new inventions everyday and the gearrails run across the land over tracks that circle the continent. Glorious landscapes await you whether it's The Fall, The Drop, or Crystal Lake. Yet the time is fraught with the sparks of war. One of the four nations, Garon'd, has declared war on the others and has secretly manufactured weapons that the other nations can not stand against. It is up to our heroes to pull the people together and start a revolution that will bring Garon'd to heel. Yet they are not without obstacles. The enemy has an assassin that seems unstoppable, even coming back from what should've killed him. There are other things in their way though, harder than fighting an assassin. Fear. To get the other nations to band together will take all of their resolve and cunning, and not a little ingenuity.