The word Nūnia itself roughly translates into "Fire Folk" in their own language called Kiesos. The Nūnian possess special mutations in their genomes. They are born with exceptional intelligence, and are able to wield the power of the elements. Almost a millennia ago they lived in peace with humankind as well as the rest of the races. Despite the growing tensions between the two races, for humans were ten steps behind when it came to technological advancements, and resource occupation. On the west coast of a continent called Albole lye a small but fierce kingdom known as the Debia. Their leader, Galinael Debia, conquered nearby cities and united under one country to take control of Nūnian mainland. From the Debian's sheer numbers, and superior tactics, Nūnian settlements were raised, children were enslaved, and the ones that managed to escape fled into the harsh north.
Over time a poem among the Nūnian people became a cry out for rebellion...
"We are the descendants
of wild women you forgot
We are the stories you thought
would never be taught.
They should have checked the ashes
of the women they burned alive
because it takes a single wild ember
to bring a whole wildfire to life."
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