"The children of Linos"
In the ancient times, chaos used to spread far throughout all of Ebbavion, infusing it with magical powers. In the deepest darkness, where chaos clutches, the nevaelyth are created.
Mostly hiding away in the shadows, the Gandor race rarely seeks attention or interference with any other species. Especially now since the influence of Chaos is very limited in the Realm of the Living it's rare to ever encounter a nevaelyth. They hide away in the Realm of Chaos itself, showing themselves in dreams to warn those who seek them out about impending doom - though their visions are often viewed as mere nightmares.
The most well know nevaelyth called Celian Maleficium turned to necromancy throughout her life and is responsible for the creation of demonkind and almost two centuries of war and suppresion. Thus members of this species are usually frowned upon if identified.
well over 2000 years
Average Height
similar to humans