Urdall - god of time and knowledge
god of time Urdall
Along with Ineas and Zestus, Urdall is one of the three children of Xelene and Linos. When Ineas was made responsible for the creation of life on the newly created world, the gods agreed to limit the lifespan of their creations, hence making them mortal. As Urdall was born, it was made his duty to watch over the flow of time and by the end of their existence guide the deceased to the realm of Zestus.
He is mostly depicted as a humanoid male with no face and long white hair, his eyes glowing in a blue shimmer.
Contrary to his siblings Urdall has very few followers, mostly smaller villages which are almost completely devoted to him. Because of that it's mostly uncertain how much he interacts with the world.
Followers know him to be easily bored thus granting those he deems worthy abilities that are said to interact with the fabric of time itself.
Interactions with Ebbavion
(please note that only very devoted followers or deeply invested researchers will know this) Living in a realm where there's no time and lasting inhabitants, Urdall is a rather lonely and often bored god. Therefore he sometimes interacts with his followers similiarly to Ineas blessing children before they are even born to bring him some entertainment. Those (known or not) blessed by the god often turn into the biggest heroes, warlords, as well as villainous inhabitants that threaten large parts of the contininents. Some even believe that if those blessed succeed entertaining Urdall are allowed to wander his realm, unphased by time. When Randia, the goddess of justice and law found out about him breaking his very own rules, she banned him from ever interacting with the realm of the living directly, thus framing him one of the only two deities (the other one being Zestus) unabled to produce actual offsprings in that realm.Divine Domains
Urdall is associated with time and knowledge which is preserved throughout many lifetimes.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Followers of Urdall often carry around hourglasses in any shape or size.
Tenets of Faith
Appreciate all the time you have and invest it properly. Don't try to interfere with the fabric of reality. Preserve and collect knowledge.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
Followers are meant to preserve historical items and knowledge. Also they often hunt undead as those aren't meant to be in the world of the living anymore. Trying to achieve imortality is frowned upon unless it's granted by the god himself to serve a greater purpose.
- mostly smaller circles
- researchers
- librarians
Divine Classification
mostly depicted male