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Tervis Sharpwing

Tervis used to belong to House Phiarlan, a highly respected member due to his unusual Syberis Dragonmark. However, Tervis never cared for his work with the House, finding that spying on sentients and political intrigue to be uninteresting. Instead, his heart was always drawn to the animal domain, and in his later years he was able to spend his time researching and keeping animals for the House to lessen their reliance on House Vadalis for magical creatures. After the Mourning destroyed Cyre and the headquarters of Phiarlan, Tervis saw this as his chance for a change and sought out Aundair where a connection at the University was able to arrange an introduction to Lotha ir'Hytra, who saw his value in his thirst for knowledge and his unnatural ability for animal husbandry, particularly with the Dragonhawks. For the past 10 years, Tervis has served as Head of Zoology and Chief Husbando   Tervis has a unique ability, the spell "Mislead". He is able to conjure an illusion of himself where he stands and become invisible. His true body is actually travelling to the Inbetween, the ghostly realm that exits between the planes. (Think Upside-Down from Stranger Things). However, Tervis is not immune to damage. Indeed the realm that he occupies is both that of the Living and the Spirit, and others can feel his presence if he were to brush up against them, and he is able to see others. He cannot hear them, unless using the illusory version of himself. Doing this is a dangerous and mysterious art, which can attract unwanted attention.

Terivs, a male owlin, is a powerful battle medium who primarily uses twin spirit swords as he carves up his foes. He's one of the weakest members of the Lorehold staff in terms of arcane ability, he's barely able to use more than a few spells. But he makes up for his lack of magical acumen with his martial prowess and his experience in dealing with spirits. In addition to his twin blades, Tervis can summon and enhance the spirits of warriors of the past to fight with him. As such, he has learned a great deal about historical weapons and fighting styles. He frequently trains in different weapon techniques in a small courtyard in Pillardrop and is happy to spar or teach any student who primarily focuses on using weapons instead of magic, even if that teaching occurs outside of class.

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