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Changelings are a mysterious race of humanoids with shapeshifting abilities. Their true origin is lost to time, but many believe them to have some fey ancestry. For most changelings, changing their physical appearance is seen as a way to express their mood and feelings, akin to changing clothes for other races, although some use this ability for more nefarious reasons such as criminal activity.

Changelings are relatively few in numbers, but are present in most areas of Khorvaire. Some live in nomadic tribes wandering through the continent while others have integrated in the societies of the nations they have chosen to call home.

While there are no specific laws against shapeshifting as a changeling in the human nations of Khorvaire (although there are laws against impersonating specific people), all of them require changeling citizens to register with their local government and keep up-to-date identification. Changelings have been used extensively during the Last War as spies, assassins and body doubles, and many people are mistrustful of them due to their ability to disguise themselves as anyone else. Because of this extra scrutiny, many changelings choose to hide their nature to all but their closest friends, choosing a single identity to live as in public to blend in and only shapeshifting in their home or when they travel outside of their hometown. Others live openly as changelings, using different visages to interact with different people.

Racial Abilities

Shapechanger: As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you've never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die.

Changeling Instincts: You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.
80 years


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