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Pvt. Snak

Private Snak is a Karrnathi Army recruit receiving basic training at Fort Zombie at the same time as the protagonists.

He lived in a nomadic goblinoid tribe roaming through Khorvaire. While traveling through Karrnath towards the Talenta Plains, the tribe was attacked by a gang of human bandits. The bandits killed three of the tribe before they were captured. While the chief wanted to kill the humans and leave their corpses as a warning, Snak disagreed, arguing that killing Karrns would incur the country's wrath and could get the entire tribe killed. Defying his chief's orders, Snak beat up the human prisoners' guards and marched the bandits to the nearest Karrnathi military post to turn them in. Figuring he would no longer be welcome with the tribe, he applied for Karrnathi citizenship and enlisted as part of his application. His friend Quash tracked him to the post and did the same.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
979 YK 26 Years old
Rhukaan Draal, Darguun

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