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Dwarves of the world of Eberron are believed to have come from the continent of Frostfell, a place of ice and snow, far to the North. It is commonly believed they migrated to Khorvaire sometime 13,000 years  before the modern day. Dwarves settled in the Ironroot Mountains-what would become the Mror Holds in the modern day-and immediately set to what they would be widely known for to this day: mining. This mining set them in early conflict with the Orc tribes of the Ironroots, the Jhorash'tar, a conflict that would simmer until today. The dwarves developed along clan lines, with the largest most powerful clans ruling as mountain lords from a particular mountain hold, these mainly still bear those clan names to this day. The dwarves of the Ironroots warred much in their early year, fighting for valuable mines, strategic positions, and for glory, until Karrn the Conqueror showed up on their doorstep. After crushing one force of dwarves that came to meet him the conqueror gave the dwarves a simple directive, serve him and his new state of Karrnath, or try their luck against his armies. The dwarves chose to submit to Karrn for their own safety. Dwarves would become a common sight in the kingdom of Karrnath, and when a future Karrnathi king made the United Kingdom of Galifer the Dwarves would similarly diffuse through the lands of the kingdom becoming a fixture of those lands. While many still remained in their ancestral lands of the Ironroot Mountains, which experienced an influx during and after The Last War due to their newfound independence, it is quite common for Dwarves to be found most anywhere in Khorvaire.
The discovery of the Kingdom Below, or Sol Udar, has opened up a chapter of Dwarf history that is still being discovered.


Shared customary codes and values

Dwarves tend to value thrift, honesty, and loyalty to the familial unit. Dwarves do have a focus on material wealth and station, and look to show these off whenever possible. Dwarves focus on story, and less on the accurate retelling of events in those stories, which does cause some events to be lost.

Common Myths and Legends

The major myth of the Dwarves deals with their leaving their once island home. The myth states that Onatar had forged them in hard climes so that they would be his toughest creation, but that they now had a duty to follow elsewhere and use that toughness to enrich the world. He is then said to have crafted the first ocean going vessel of the dwarves and sent them to Khorvaire with the wind at their back.

Major organizations

The Mror Holds government.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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