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The Dreadhold

Karrn the Conqueror is remembered in Khorvaire for cruelty, ambition, and a martial legacy in the state that now bares his name that has outlived him by millennia. Yet Karrn's rarest gift, that of his mercy, is arguably his most lasting legacy, for that is what created the Dreadhold. For despite its name-the Dreadhold elicits responses of fear and disgust just on name alone-it was born of honor and mercy. Karrn was not the heir to the kingdom that would become Karrnath, but he did so dream it to be true that he slew all his brothers in order to make his desires reality. Yet, when the killing was done, there was yet one more loose end to finish, Karrn's younger brother Drakon. Among his brothers-who had looked down on the young man his entire life, Drakon was different and had helped the young Karrn and even stood with him as his power grew. Yet, as the two emerged victorious, Karrn knew Drakon was the only remaining threat to his power, and a dangerous symbol for those who would seek to rise against Karrn. Despite his reputation Karrn could not bring himself to commit this last act of murder, on the only member of his family who had shown him compassion, and instead sought to see him far away from where anyone could touch him. Thus was the Dreadhold born, a castle of the utmost fortifications, beyond Karrn's controlled territory, and manned by the dwarves of the fledgling House Kundarak, a castle born of mercy to protect a beloved brother, but one that could not be allowed to be close. History does not record what became of Drakon, but his cage has remained to today. Thus was Dreadhold the place where for reasons personal, political, or otherwise, those people who cannot be put to death are kept. The place maintains a spot in the popular psyche of Khorvaire as a place of political dissidents, and possibly horror, for few know what truly occurs behind the imposing walls of the Dreadhold.  

House Kundarak

The Dreadhold maintains an interesting place in the culture of the Dragonmarked house of Kundarak, for the prison was the first truly major contract the house ever took on and something upon which their name has been built. In fact, the contract under which Karrn acquired the services of the Kundarak house is still in affect, making it their longest served contract in their history. Yet those who guard the Dreadhold do not see it as a glamourous activity, and instead almost akin to being exiled. There may be something to be said for this view, for Dreadhold is no paradise, instead it is being sent to a little spit of rock in the Lhazaareen archipelago, and told to sit there and watch over hooded and protected prisoners-who you are assured are of the utmost political importance. Nevertheless-despite their grumbling-the rank and file dwarves of House Kundarak serve their post well, and none wish to be the first guard by which a prisoner slips by. The wardens of the prison treat it slightly different however, for these members of the house play the political game within it. In this game the Dreadhold is as much as prison to its warden as it is the prisoners. Wardens, far away from their power base, may be more willing to give people run of the prison if they are able to help them-or maybe even get them transfered far away from this desolate prison island  

Famous Prisoners

There are many urban legends about the prisoners of the Dreadhold, many of which bend the realms of believability. Different account of the Dreadhold make it the home to fallen angels, apocalyptic prophets, even myths that say dragons might still be locked beneath the island fortress. While such stories fly, and are popular among bars and storytellers, there is close to no hard evidence of any prisoners of the Dreadhold, very much by design. There are some well known occupants of the prison however. Prince Drakon of Karrnath is the first, the brother to Karrn the Conqueror who inspired the creation of the Dreadhold itself for example. Castel d'Cannith, a brilliant inventor and an heir of the Cannith house from 645 YK, was imprisoned there by the order of his family after his experiments were found to outreach the realms of believability and morality. Kyra Danth, a woman who claimed to be the rightful Keeper of the Flame yet was found to have links to Bel Shalor-the Shadow in the Flame-she spent the rest of her days within the Dreadhold. In modern times the Dreadhold is rumored to be home to a host of war deserters, spies, war criminals, and other undesirables from The Last War. One of the most evocative rumors centers on a prisoner known only as Deep Prisoner 14, said to have been a personal prisoner of King Kaius III of Karrnath, who was sent to the Dreadhold shortly after Kaius reappeared in public life. While little concrete is known about the prisoners of the Dreadhold, they are nevertheless evocative, and many stories feature tales of those still locked within the tomb of the Dreadhold.

Purpose / Function

To contain those who-for some reason-cannot be put to death but cannot be allowed to walk free


The Dreadhold has extended overtime, once a small fortress on the island it was built upon, the Dreadhold now covers the entirety of the island and even stretches down below the island into the rock. These were done in order the make the island more secure, and to allow for the holding of more important prisoners.

The Iron Ring Principality

The Dreadhold now exists-partly adjacent and partly within-the Iron Ring Principality. In fact, the island of the Dreadhold itself exists as the link for their great Iron Ring. This makes a necessity for the two factions-the Iron Ring and House Kundarak-to have friendly relations with the other. This has gone on for several generations, and those stationed at the Dreadhold have a positive outlook on the Iron Ring Principality, and House Kundarak maintains a small trade with the principality that gives the Iron Ring a helpful trade partner to contend with.
Founding Date
-1000 YK
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Wait...Is this legal?

Good question! One that the legal scholars of Khorvaire, and then Galifer, debated for many centuries and they arrived at this conclusion: it shouldn't be. There was even a concentrated push to bring an end to the prison shortly before the advent of The Last War, after that though its services were in much demand and House Kundarak willing to provide. In modern Khorvaire there now exists no political will to close the prison, for two main reasons. One; all the nations still remember the scars of war, and with war crime trials still ongoing many believe that keeping the prison open allows for a fitting place for most of these undesirables to be sent. Two; The legal state of the prison is technically permitted as they are a party outside of the laws of the major law code, even if the prison operator-House Kundarak-still exists within it, meaning the legal battle would most likely be long and drawn out as long as the Dragonmarked house wanted to keep the prison open.

This article has no secrets.


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