Brilliant Settlement in Eberron Campaign | World Anvil
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District Type: Sky district   Buildings: Temple (the Sovereign Host), upscale lodging (20), upscale food (28), exotic trades (11), upscale trades (20), upscale residences (60)   First Impression: This district is almost silent, floating on clouds high above the hubbub of the city. Servants scurry about from fabulous mansions to exquisite shops, while the gentry who call this place home parade in state, often riding griffons or hippogriffs, as they call upon their counterparts.   Social Class: Upper class   The northern portion of Skyway floats above the Central Plateau, and is mostly indistinguishable from the southern district of Azure.  
  • Cloud Dragon Restaurant: Like the Azure Gateway in Azure, the Cloud Dragon is an upscale, elegant restaurant with breathtaking views, but without the crowds and long waits typical of the Celestial Vista Restaurant. Its menu concentrates on the best of Brelish fare—spicy ginger soup, sautéed garlic beef, curried chicken, and the like. In contrast to the secretive owner of the Azure Gateway restaurant, the owner of the Cloud Dragon is very forthright about her identity, making sure to meet and greet every customer and ensure that everyone has an enjoyable dining experience.
  • Tain Manor: The ir’Tains are the most powerful family in Sharn. An ir’Tain served as the first Lord Mayor of Sharn, and the first towers were raised with ir’Tain gold. Today the ir’Tains derive most of their income from their vast holdings throughout the city; many of the tenements and apartment complexes are ir’Tain property. The Tain Manor in Brilliant is only the latest in a long line of mansions to hold that name, and many of the former Tain Manors are now owned by the wealthiest citizens of other districts. 


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