Communication Services in Eberron Campaign | World Anvil
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Communication Services

Need to get a message to someone? If you're not in a hurry, the Orien post has boxes throughout the city; you can mail a letter for 1 cp. Hiring a courier generally costs between 5 cp and 5 gp, depending on the size of the package and where you need it delivered. You can find Sivis message stations in almost every upper and middle ward, and if you absolutely have to contact someone instantly, the Sivis enclave in the Dragon Towers district (Middle Central) can perform a sending spell for 200 gp. House Tharashk has brought an innovation to message delivery in Sharn: the use of gargoyles. Tharashk has several of these creatures in its employ, and these flying couriers are a quick way to get a message across the city. If you spot a gargoyle without a burden, you can flag it down, and it costs 5 gp to deliver a letter or a small package.


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