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The great dragonmarked families are the barons of industry and commerce throughout Khorvaire and beyond. Their influence transcends political boundaries, and they remained mostly neutral during the Last War. Not technically citizens of any nation, the matriarchs and patriarchs of each house live in splendor within their enclaves and emporiums located throughout Khorvaire. These dynastic houses of commerce derive their power from dragonmarks—hereditary arcane sigils that manifest on certain individuals within the family, granting them limited but useful magical abilities associated with the trade guilds each family controls.   A dragonmark enhances the user's ability to perform certain tasks. For example, the Mark of Making guides the hands of the smith, while the Mark of Shadows helps its bearer avoid enemies. The power of a dragonmark can also manifest in more dramatic ways. The Mark of Storms can scatter enemies with a blast of wind, while the Mark of Shadows can weave illusions.   You can't buy or choose to develop a dragonmark; each mark is tied to bloodlines within specific species, as summarized in the Dragonmarks and Their Houses table. A dragonmark appears on a person around adolescence, though not every heir manifests the mark.   Long ago, the families that carry the marks joined together to form the dragonmarked houses. Over the course of centuries, these houses have used their gifts to establish powerful monopolies. For example, only House Lyrandar heirs with the Mark of Storms can pilot airships. This control over vital services gives the houses tremendous power.   In the past, the dragonmarked houses were held in check by the united kingdom of Galifar. But in the wake of the Last War, people wonder if any nation has the power to enforce its wishes on the houses.


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