Getting Around in Eberron Campaign | World Anvil
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Getting Around

Sharn is an enormous city, and traveling on foot from one side of the city to the other can be time-consuming. Here are some travel-time guidelines:
  • It takes at least 30 minutes to cross a ward.
  • If you're traveling between wards, add 30 minutes for each ward you pass through.
  • Dura and Tavick's Landing are especially large; double the time it takes to move through one of them.
For instance, traveling from Lower Menthis to Upper Central involves passing through three wards (taking a bridge from Lower Menthis to Lower Central, then ascending two levels) and can take 90 minutes or longer.   Not all the quarters are linked to one another by bridges. The connections that do exist include these:  
  • Central Plateau has bridges that lead to Northedge and Menthis.
  • Dura is connected to Tavick's Landing and Menthis.
  • Tavick's Landing is connected to Dura, Menthis, and Northedge.
  • Menthis is connected to Tavick's Landing, Dura, and Central.
  • Northedge is connected to Central and Tavick's Landing.
Traveling from district to district involves the use of bridges and ramps, along with magic lifts—vast floating disks that slowly ascend and descend along threads of mystical energy. Lifts are mainly used to move cargo and can be up to 30 feet in diameter. Most lifts have rails but aren't fully enclosed; if combatants fight on a lift, someone falling or being pushed off the edge is always a possibility.   For a speedier journey through the streets, House Orien manages a system of carriages for hire. Taking an Orien carriage cuts travel time in half and costs 2 cp per ward traveled. Flight is, of course, the fastest way to get around in Sharn, cutting travel time down to one-sixth of the walking pace (5 minutes per ward). It's also more expensive, at 2 sp per ward. The most common form of aerial transport is the skycoach, but many flying mounts, including hippogriffs, griffons, pteranodons, and giant owls, can be found for hire around the city.


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