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Madidus ((Classical) IPA: /ˈma.di.dus/, [ˈmäd̪ɪd̪ʊs̠])

The affairs of Eberron’s surface dwellers are well known and well documented, but very little is known or recorded about the intelligent life that thrives beneath Eberron’s seas. Anyone who’s travelled by sea from Khorvaire to Xen’drik has likely dealt with the Sahuagin, but very few know about the vast underwater society of which they are but a small part. Beneath Eberron’s seas lie vast civilizations as complex and filled with as much intrigue as the cities of the surface world the largest and most cosmopolitan of which is Madidus.   Madidus is the undersea equivalent of Sharn. All intelligent aquatic races live, play and do business here. It’s the centre of underwater commerce. Much like Sharn, Madidus was built around a manifest zone. Where Sharn’s connection to the plane of Syrania allows building to reach heights that seem impossible, Madidus is connected to the plane of air which crates permanent pockets of breathable air. This allows surface dwellers to live in Madidus comfortably. The area of the city enveloped with breathable air is home to hundreds of people from the surface including Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Halflings. Few who end up here make any effort to leave.     The existence of Madidus is known only to select few surface dwellers. Many members of House Lyrandar are aware of the city’s existence. Captains travelling the waves above Madidus with any regularity are informed of its existence so that they can pay appropriate tribute and take advantage of possible trading opportunities.   The Daughters of Sora Kell along with a many of Droam’s populace are aware that a vast underwater civilization exists if not the specific details of where such cities are located. Representatives from Madidus have even sent diplomats to Droam asking for the monstrous nation’s assistance in facilitating introductions with the leaders of the other surface nations.   Madidus may be unknown to most surface dwellers but it is a very welcoming place once discovered. Many adventurers have come to the city in the past decade. Some have sought Madidus out for no other reason than to prove its existence. Others find the idea of interacting with such a foreign culture exhilarating. Some seek to leave behind their past and begin anew in a place where their problems will never catch up to them.
Large city


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