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The Church of the Silver Flame

The Church of the Silver Flame is the state religion of Thrane. The followers of the religion are called the Purified.   The Church of the Silver Flame was founded in the early centuries of the Kingdom of Galifar by the sacrifice of a brave paladin, Tira Miron. The church's influence spread throughout the centuries, but its heart remained in Thrane. During the Last War, King Thalin declared independence in the name of spreading worship. When Thalin died, the Church stepped in to replace the monarchy with a theocracy.   However, the story of the Silver Flame does not start in 299 YK. The Overlords ruled the world during the Age of Demons. After the discovery of the Draconic Prophecy, the fiends were overthrown by the combined forces of Dragon and Couatl. However, like all immortal spirits, the fiendish overlords could not be permanently killed. Countless of immortal couatls sacrificed themselves to bind the children of Khyber, creating the Silver Flame.   Millennia later, in 299 YK, a pillar of crimson fire erupted on the shore of Scions Sound. Dark and vile creatures crawled from the ground, and the people grew to fear and distrust each other. The Year of Blood and Fire was filled with terrible loss of life - but it was also filled with hope, as a Paladin of Dol Arrah, Tira Miron, lead a band of heroes to defeat the fiends.   In her final confrontation, Tira's celestial guide - a couatl - materialized to help her confront the nearly-free Bel Shalor. Tira watched the two epic beings struggle, but Bel Shalor prevailed. In one last act the Couatl gifted Tira with its dying power, and the paladin lept into the flaming chasm, plunging her sword into the fiend's body. A massive explosion rippled out, and the dark, crimson flame was transformed into a cool silver fire.   While Tira's body perished, her soul persisted and she became the Voice of the Flame. A new city grew around the site of Tira's sacrifice, and eventually the capital of Thrane moved from Daskaran to Flamekeep.
Religious, Organised Religion


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