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The Twelve

The organization was formed after the War of the Mark in an alliance proposed by Lord Hadran d'Cannith to unify the Dragonmarked houses in pursuing magical research and profit. Galifar I started the Arcane Congress of Aundair many years later out of fear for the growing power of the Dragonmarked houses. In 797 YK, Mordain d'Phiarlan was banished from the Twelve and excoriated from House Phiarlan, following his experiments into the mysteries of the daelkyr.   As the power of individual Dragonmarked houses and the Arcane Congress has grown since the Last War, the Twelve has fractured and diminished. Members of the Twelve belong to the Dragonmarked houses of Khorvaire. The Twelve serves as an institute to train members in arcane magic, and as a think tank for discoveries beyond the capabilities of individual houses.
Research, Think Tank


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