Church of the Silver Flame

The Silver Flame is force of light that holds fiends at bay. Those who seek to defend the innocent from evil can draw on the power of the Flame.

Every Thrane child knows the story of Tira Miron. Centuries ago, one of the ancient and powerful demons chained within the world broke free from its bonds, unleashing terrible suffering on the people of Thrane. The nation would have been destroyed if not for Tira Miron. This paladin was called by the ancient celestial force called the Silver Flame and battled the mighty fiend. When it became clear that the overlord couldn't be destroyed, Tira gave her life, combining her spirit with the light of the Silver Flame to bind the demon once more. Now Tira serves as the Voice of the Flame, helping others find the light. Anyone who seeks to protect the innocent and battle evil can draw on the power of the Silver Flame to aid them, but they must beware of the Shadow in the Flame, the demon that still lingers and yearns to trick good people into evil.   A pillar of argent fire marks the point of Tira's sacrifice, the center of the modern church. This pillar, located in Flamekeep, is a manifestation of the Silver Flame, not the source of its power.   The church's templars stand ready to protect the innocent from supernatural threats, battling undead, fiends, and aberrations. Friars and ministers fight evil by doing good, performing acts of compassion and charity across Khorvaire. In contrast to the Sovereign Host, the church maintains a defined structure and creed. Archbishops monitor regions; cardinals lead the church; and the ultimate authority is the Keeper of the Flame, who maintains the font in Flamekeep and communes with Tira Miron.   The Silver Flame is not an anthropomorphic deity. It is a celestial force comprised of a vast multitude of noble spirits. It neither requires sacrifices of gold or spices, nor does it want praise in the form of prayer. Instead, it needs bold warriors, pure ministers, and the unity of people who will embrace the light and use that inspiration to banish evil from the world. A typical worshipper of the Sovereign Host offers prayers in the hopes that the deities will help him; a true follower of the Silver Flame is interested only in how she can serve the cause of the flame.


The Last War had a serious impact on the church. Leaders still respected the Keeper's authority over spiritual matters, but the war wasn't about good or evil. Templars of all nations still joined together to fight demons, but if no supernatural threat was present, they fought for their own nations. This division allowed cracks to form in the foundation. In Breland, some priests fell prey to greed or forged ties to criminal organizations. In Aundair, a zealous faction known as the Pure Flame advocates using violence rather than compassion as the primary tool for rooting out evil. And in Thrane, the church has become the ruling body. While still driven by Tira's principles of redemption and sacrifice, the intrusion of politics means that some come to the faith seeking power rather than purely to do good.

Religious, Holy Order


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