
What once was beautiful now lies in decay

Destroyed at the end of the Last War, Cyre now exists only in the hearts of the refugees scattered across Khorvaire. The once beautiful land is now the Mournland.   Before the war, Cyre was the seat of the kings and queens of Galifar. The wealth of the kingdom flowed through Cyre, and it was a nexus for commerce and culture. By tradition, Cyre's Princess Mishann had the rightful claim to the throne of Galifar. Cyrans take pride that they alone were in the right in the Last War, but they unquestionably lost more to the war than any other nation. As a Cyran, you stand on the moral high ground, but that may offer little comfort.   Cyrans like to say that their culture represented the best that Galifar had to offer, which is to say a little bit of everything. Cyrans value diversity and versatility, both in talents and thought. Cyre couldn't match Karrnath in martial discipline or Aundair in the arcane arts, but the flexibility of its forces reflected the nation's ideals.   Although the Sovereign Host was the dominant faith of Cyre, the Silver Flame had a significant following. Many survivors question their faith in the wake of the Mourning, but some believe that their anguish at the loss of their homeland is a divine trial, prompting them to cling to their faith more than ever.   Queen Dannel ir'Wynarn was in Metrol on the Day of Mourning and is presumed dead. Her son, Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn, holds court in New Cyre, a massive refugee camp set up in Breland. Some refugees support Oargev and the dream of a restored Cyre, while others prefer to focus on the future instead of trying to reclaim the past.


Before the War, Cyre was considered a peaceful realm. It had a tradition of artisanry that dated back centuries. It had a reputation for fine arts and crafts and quality manufactured items. Rich folk across the Five Nations prided themselves in owning pieces by Cyran master artists.   However, the Last War saw the once beautiful Cyre become a battlefield as it faced enemies on all sides. Its people and culture suffered and many of its great works were lost, even before the Mourning destroyed them utterly.   Now, the Cyrans have little more than a remnant of their past culture. The lucky - or unlucky - few who survived now reside in New Cyre, little more than squalor land in the outskirts of Breland. Their focus is no longer on embodying the virtues of their land, but merely to survive. Only time can tell if Cyre will ever be restored to even a shred of its former glory.


Cyre was the jewel in the crown of The Kingdom of Galifar. When the war broke out, the nation felt as if it had done no wrong, as the princess' claim to the throne was legitimate. And yet, it found itself fighting a battle from all sides. The wealth and strength of Cyre managed to push back, and even show glimmers of triumph. Any such glimmer was destroyed beyond belief on 20 Olarune, 994 YK when The Mourning occurred. Cyre was destroyed, and the Mournland has remained ever since.

Former hallmarks: Art, artifice, jewelry, music, oratory, philosophy
Current hallmarks: destruction, ruins

Before Cyre was destroyed:

Government System
Monarchy, Elective


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