Gear Crank

The Gear Crank is a warforged dive bar in High Walls, a poor district of Lower Tavick's Landing. It is a haven for the desolate warforged of Sharn, those who were damaged or forgotten after the Last War. The bar is a crumbling stone building marred with anti-warforged graffiti. On the inside, it is a single, dimly lit room with warforged enjoying each other's company, despite their less-than-ideal gathering place. They enjoy various drinks and party games, all while being jeered at by the warforged bartender.   The bar is where the party met Chains, a red-streaked warforged with a soft voice and a missing arm. They had a brief conversation before a fiery explosion blew a hole in the wall, causing mayhem throughout the Crank.
High Walls, Lower Tavick's Landing


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