Harbingers of Aegis Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Harbingers of Aegis

The Harbingers are an old organization, and are seen by sages as a rather esoteric group. They have claimed to settle various disputes throughout Khorvaire's existence, though tending to follow rather abstruse orders. It is an extremely devoted religion: those who join are committed to it for life.   The group is made up mostly of orcs, tritons, and tortles, though many other races can be members. The organization is not often found in the cities, much more favoring the natural elements.  

Party's Perspective

The party first heard of the Harbingers of Aegis when interrogating the orc Bugby, who was one of several orcs attempting to destroy Chains. She claimed that the Harbingers were an ancient peacekeeping religion, which Maleakos was able to confirm through his vast source of knowledge.


Hundreds of thousands of years ago, immensely powerful fiends ruled Eberron and controlled Khorvaire. In order to defeat them, the primordial couatls sacrificed their life to banish them to the Lower Planes. In doing so, they created 13 benevolent, godlike beings that watched over Khorvaire for thousands of years called the Sophists.   Then, interdimensional monsters known as Overlords invaded, and bound the Sophists in the pits of Khyber, as they knew they would stop their conquest of this plane. And as a last resort, the noble druids of the Eldeen Reaches managed to defeat the Overlords at the cost of binding them in Khyber alongside the Sophists.   While the Overlords exist, the Sophists remain trapped. So, they bided their time, and their power, all the while in an eternal battle against the Overlords. Thousands of years of building back their power manifested itself in the creation of The Kingdom of Galifar, nearly a millennium of the greatest peace humanoids have ever known. In the eighth century of Galifarian peace, the Sophists portended a coming conflict in the Draconic Prophecy, and so they shifted the focus of their power from Khorvaire to prepare for an intense resurgence in war with the Overlords.   However, the Overlords were not the source of war that was foretold. Almost immediately, without the intervention of the Sophists, humanoids descended into a hellish war of self-destruction. People revolted, lands were seized, and millions were murdered. The conflict only ended with an equally hellish weapon of destruction. As the Harbingers claim, the Sophists are the humanoids' best chance for peace.
Founding Date
Unknown, known to be ancient
Religious, Organised Religion


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