Sora Teraza
Daughter of Sora Kell
Sora Teraza is the most mysterious of the Daughters of Sora Kell and it was she who gathered the others and convinced them to found Droaam. Despite her blindness, her prescience is such that she can perceive her surroundings perfectly. Sora Teraza is driven by her visions and sometimes withholds information from her sisters or shares secrets with their enemies. An ancient and bent figure in her natural form, she wears a hood pulled down to hide her ruined eyes. Sora Teraza is the greatest living oracle in Eberron, and the full limits of her divinatory abilities are unknown. She is perhaps one of the most knowledgeable individuals regarding the Draconic Prophecy in Eberron as few, if any, mortals could hold such knowledge in their minds. Some say she is insane, and this is quite likely the case, but she may also be playing an elaborate game with fate that only she truly understands.
Before she set out to convince her sisters to create Droaam, she wandered the Demon Wastes in search of ancient knowledge.
Teraza maintains a vast library of books in The Great Crag , including ritual tomes from the Age of Demons. It is said that she has shelves of books containing the lives of important and interesting individuals—not records of their lives, but their actual lives themselves.
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