Wandering Tale Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil

Wandering Tale

The Wandering Tale is a legend amongst all with wanderlust in their hearts. Not many believe it actually exists, but plenty hope that it does. No one knows why or how it appears, but it seems to prefer travelers who wander far. It always contains curious curios, colorful characters, and memorable drinks, and is run by the fabled Aegothiaryss, who's tales and knowledge of the world's lore is unparalleled. Some say Aegothiaryss is not one man, but a long succession of them — passing down knowledge and stories from father to son. Others disagree, saying he's been blessed by the gods themselves to remain on the Material Plane forever, bestowing his knowledge upon the world. Those who wander, and those who flee, wish it to be true, for one will always be safe within the walls of the Tale, safe from any monster or nation. Or so the legends say.


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