
"When the sole reason for your existence ceases to be...What then?"

"Pierce was built by design, while you were built by accident," Lakashtai said. "The soul is what matters, not the shape of the vessel."
"What makes you think he has a soul?" Gerrion said.
"What makes you think you do?"
The warforged were built to fight in the Last War. While the first warforged were mindless automatons, House Cannith devoted vast resources to improving these steel soldiers. Each of the Five Nations hurried to obtain as many of these weapons as they could. An unexpected breakthrough produced sapient soldiers, giving rise to what some have only grudgingly accepted as a new species. Warforged are made from wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion. Built as weapons, they must now find a purpose beyond war. A warforged can be a steadfast ally, a cold-hearted killer, or a visionary in search of meaning.


Culture and cultural heritage

Warforged are prisoners who never received a fair trial. When House Cannith accidentally succeeded at creating sentient life to serve in the Last War, the metal soldiers found it easy to fulfill their duty. After all, war was what they were built for. However, once the conflict had ended, most felt like a wizard without his spellbook, like something about them was missing. Most of the fleshbound did not want to recognize the warforged as beings with rights, since they were made to simply be machines. Yet, it was hard to deny their consciousness, so the constructs originally designed for war were granted basic rights.   And yet, the warforged still felt far from accepted. It was nearly impossible for one to walk through the streets of Sharn without attracting unpleasant and suspicious glances. The only people who trusted and accepted the warforged were themselves. Groups of them banded together, swearing allegiance to the others above all else. A mutual distrust solidified between these bands of warforged and the fleshbound.   Above all else, the warforged want to live in a society just as all the other races of Khorvaire. They did not ask for the life they received; they did not ask to be created. And while a warforged may initially be wary of a fleshbound, all it takes is a showing of respect for the wariness to dissipate.

Historical figures

Lord of Blades
Anshin Zendo


House Cannith

Founding Date:

965 YK


Related Organizations


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Jul 22, 2020 04:09

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