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07 Session Report - The Forgotten Forge

General Summary

Proceeding beyond the magically sealed hatch in the E-213 cluster, the party descended into the bowels under Sharn and into the past of the earliest days of the city. After a few hours, they found their way into a large chamber inside the foundation of one of the earliest towers of the city.   As they ventured forth they were almost immediately attacked by a massive swarm of hungry beetles. Ryker ended up taking the brunt of the attack (as well as developing a bit of a phobia) but they were able to kill a couple thousand of the little bastards and drive the rest back.   Making their way further into the chamber, they discovered the remnants of a temple dedicated to one of the older gods that preceeded the Soverign Host. Even after centuries of being abandoned, the place still seemed to have a holiness to it and the party felt a general sense of well being. As they picked their way through the ruins, they discovered the remnants of an old broken fountain and in it a little bit of the holy water that used to flow from it. They were able to harvest three vials of the water.   Continuing on, they avoided the area of the room with stalagtites and as a result soon came across an ancient Cannith forge. The adamaintine doors were still sealed tight even after over a thousand years, but luckily the roof had been damaged and they were able to make their way inside. Again, they were met with the wonders of House Cannith as two magical mechanical dogs lurked out of the shadows to carry out their ancient task of protecting the forge. The party was able to defeat the steel defenders and then they solved the puzzle lock to open the secret cache. In it they found gold bars, adamantium and the schema Lady Elaydren had sent them after.   After making sure they had gathered everything of value, the party in high spirits opened the forge door to head back and immediately a flaming arrow barely missed them and a voice bellowed out from the darkness:  
Weak flesh! Now you face Saber, greatest of the devoted floowers of the Lord of Blades. Throw down the schema and walk away. This day does not have to end with your blood on my hands.
  The party quickly retreated back into the forge and quickly formed a plan. Elias talked the warforge down and convinced him that they had no clue what he was talking about while Ronnodin created an illusion copy of the schema. Elias negotiated an agreement that the warforged would stand down and the party would as well while Saber recovered the schema and then they could all go their separate ways.   And the plan worked. The lead warforged came in alone and was fooled by the illusion long enough for the party to get the drop on him. Their superior numbers and the cloaking devices of some of the scout class forged were not enough and together the party perservered. Ronnondin made good use of mage hand to cause problems, Enna called on her powers of nature to both harm her foes and support her allies, Elias provided support with his song and some sloppy but effective rapier work, Tilly again employed her elite military training to strategically assist while Ryker got to swing his sword and bash some heads. The party really started gelling and showed the first signs of them really developing into a team to be reconed with. The only real sour point of the battle was that Ryker had one of his kills stolen as one of the scout forged assasinated his leader when he was bested and then escaped into the shadows under Sharn.   Victorious and with the schema in hand, the party started their long ascent back up into modern Sharn. Tired and wounded and a little turned around in the ancient passages, they decided to rest. After some time, Ryker heard someone approaching and the party was able to coax Skittle out of the shadows and into their camp. The shifter, while having a very weak grip on reality, had expert knowledge on the area and the party was able to earn his trust and get him to guide them out. Ronnondin's gift of a dead mouse, Tilly's exuberant curiosity of his eccentrisity and Enna transforming into a mouse made a serious impression on the former thief and he will not soon forget the adventurers.   Back in Sharn the party sent word to Lady Elaydren to meet at the Broken Anvil Inn the following evening and then proceeded to go to The Bazaar to do some shopping and equip themselves with some of the spoils they had earned from their recent adventures.

Missions/Quests Completed

Found the schema for Elaydren.
Report Date
22 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters


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