Tragedy at The Thronehold Celebration Plot in Eberron | World Anvil
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Tragedy at The Thronehold Celebration

The Middle Ward of the Central Plauteau is engaging in the celebration of Thronehold, on 11 Aryth 998 YK, a large festival, feast, and gathering to commemorate when the Treaty was signed and The Last War had ended. However, not everyone there is entire excited since most doubt the Treaty will last, but on this day such concerns are dismissed as "depressing" and doesn't want it getting in the way of just enjoying peaceful life for a day. The Lord Mayor and the City Council have gone to great lengths to put together an epic festival to improve morale of the populace.   The festival features large amounts of eating and drinking catered by one of the most popular taverns and inns of Middle Central, The Anvil, as well as tests of skill in martial skills such as archery and feats of strength as well as festival activities involving arcane arts, bards preforming magically enhanced plays about The Last War, wizards, magewrights, wandslingers, and other people familliar with magic showing off for children, wizards and other arcane casters sharing spells and magical secrets, a menagerie of mystical beasts in a circus-like attraction, etc. and a few speeches by political figures to ease the publics fears about political unrest between the Five Nations and other teritories of Khorvaire, with delegates and visitors from every corner of the continents, Aundarians, Silver Flame faithfuls from Thrane, etc, all the way to goblinoids from Darguun and monsterous people from Drooam coming to sell their fairly unique wares.   Even every one of the Dragonmarked Houses has a presence during the festival to peddle wares and house services, and to make political statements and ease the public,, as well as provide valuable secrurity and services to those attending.

Plot points/Scenes

The PC meet up in Middle Central just in time for the Thronehold celebration. catering of a large feast and fine drrinks have been provided by The Anvil, in association with the halfling dragonmarked House Ghallanda providing their services with the Mark of Hospitality, as well as fine food and drink being shipped in by Aundarian nobles and Brelish farmers. Another section of the festival features ice scuptures crafted by magewrights and wizards depicting famous figures from The Last War, as well as a fancy auction being held inviolving Cannith magic item sceme and other good Cannith is using the proceeds to fund Warforged freedom causes and causes for Cyran Refugees. Another section is a bazaar of monsterous races, goblinoid clans from Darguun have set up shop to sell things at a market, as are other races such as orcs, half-orcs bearing the Mark of Finding, as well as a prseance of othe rraces from Drooam, merchants and mercenaries from Greywall, as well as various attractions, a menagerie of caged magical beasts, Lizardfolk and Dragonborn from Q'Barra, tests of archery and martial skill and other combat games such as jousting and 1 on one combat run by Karrnathi soldiers from Rekkenmark Academy, And a large gathering set up to celebrate the city's Warforged citizens, including a a grand fundraising gala for increased rights for warforged workers and citizens.   During these Events, The Lord Mayor and the City Council make an apperance with a Sharn Watch escort, and informs the populace of the festival that he and several council members are having a special invite-only banquet and speech he will be hosting at a large guildhome in Upper Central, And officials of the King's Citadel and the Breland govenment will be in attendance. and encourages everyone with an invite to follow them and the guards up a ward for that, while several council members stay behind to take part in the rest of the festival, several of them in change of overlooking the fundrasing gala and the feast.   However, over the course of this adventure, various parts of the festival will be attacked by various villanous groups of Sharn and Khorvaire... to draw the attention of the Sharn Watch.... and the PCs, away from that private gala in upper central...
Plot type

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