Daanvi Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Orderly fields where formians tend ideal crops, regimented garrisons of disciplined soldiers, and peaceful communities where law reigns supreme manifest throughout the plane of Daanvi, the Perfect Order. All things of Daanvi live in perfect harmony born of order.  


  • The elf-like axiomites rule most major domains on this plane.
  • The most numerous inhabitants are the formians, with colonies running through the entire plane. They are Daanvi’s main citizens and workforce.
  • An assortment of angels and immortals aligned with Aureon and Boldrei

Effects on the Material Plane

While coterminous with Eberron, Daanvi exerts no unusual influence on the Material Plane. Some claim that historical periods of stability can be attributed to Daanvi’s proximity, but this is probably just superstition.   While remote, it similarly has few if any unusual effects on Eberron.
Dimensional plane


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