Dal Quor Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil

Dal Quor

Dal Quor is the Region of Dreams. Some say that mortal minds or spirits travel there in sleep, while others believe that all that is dreamed accumulates in this alien plane. Some say that Dal Quor is the dream of Eberron itself. Whatever the case, it is the home of the quori, the native race of nightmare lords. From their domed cities called up from the formless void of dreamstuff, they feed on the psychic energy of dreaming mortals. It is said the kalashtar are descended from quori renegades.  


Quori are the only native creatures of Dal Quor.  

Effects on the Material Plane

Dal Quor last drew near to Eberron some 40,000 years ago, at which time the quori crossed over into Xen’drik and began warring with the giant empire. The giants eventually managed to end the war and sever the connections between the planes, but at great cost: the fall of their own civilization. In the process, Dal Quor was thrown out of phase with Eberron, making physical travel between the two realms impossible. The quori have found other means to work their will in the world, however, and it is said that mortal minds still travel to the Region of Dreams when their bodies are asleep.


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