Fernia Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Flame covers everything on Fernia, the Sea of Fire. The ground is nothing more than great, ever-shifting plates of compressed flame, ash, and debris. The air ripples with the heat of continual firestorms. Oceans of liquid flame ebb and flow, and mountains ooze with molten lava. Fire rages, with no need for fuel or air, across this continually burning landscape.  


  • Fire genasi
  • Azers
  • Fire-aligned demons, such as balors
  • Some devils, commanded by native pit fiends. These devils are all fire-based.
  • Mephits
  • Fire elementals and magma paraelementals
  • Salamanders

Effects on the Material Plane

When Fernia is coterminous to the Material Plane, regions of intense heat—primarily areas surrounding volcanoes—begin to take on some of the plane’s traits. Conditions of extreme heat (air temperature over 60°C) become even more intense. Entering a pool of lava or a similar manifestation of tremendous heat (such as a raging firestorm in the Mournland) while Fernia is coterminous has a 30% chance of causing a character to be whisked to the Sea of Fire. Similarly, natives of Fernia can enter the Material Plane in such areas, and are 70% likely to be encountered near any area of intense heat.   When Fernia is remote from the Material Plane, heat becomes somewhat less intense. Conditions of extreme heat (air temperature over 60°C) are reduced in severity.
Dimensional plane


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