House Ghallanda

House Ghallanda, possessor of the Mark of Hospitality, is a halfling dragonmarked house found throughout Khorvaire. Ghallanda is one of the few Dragonmarked Houses that are not involved with some form of arms dealing or soldiering, instead Ghallanda are Eberron's best hosts dealing in food and shelter.


The mark of hospitality first appeared over 3000 years ago on the native halfling tribesmen and women of the Talenta Plains. Those who bore this mark tended to congregate together and chose to call themselves Ghallanda. The Ghallandas wandered Eastern Khorvaire, travelling from outpost to oasis, they offered food and shelter to all those who crossed their path. During their travels they managed to end feuds, prevent conflicts such as monster and bandit raids and generally ease tension wherever they visited.   The Last War House Deneith and House Ghallanda agreed during the early years of The Last War for Ghallanda members to follow Deneith soldiers to provide them food and shelter on the field. It wasn't long until the nations' noticed the effectiveness of House Ghallanda and began hiring them to provide the same treatment for their armies.
Founding Date
Consortium, Business


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