Irian Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


On Irian, a brilliant white sun hangs in the center of a crystalline sky, bathing the radiant landscape below in shadowless light. Forests of crystalline growths, mountains of pure quartz, rivers of liquid glass, and sunbleached deserts of pure white sand define the landscape of this plane. Irian is awash in positive energy—not intense enough to harm life, but sufficient to encourage and sustain life in a variety of unusual forms. Creatures of light and life make their home here, but they are not necessarily creatures of good.  


  • Archons
  • The serpentine Ravid
  • Xag-ya, beings of positive energy
  • Lumi, humanoids composed of light

Effects on the Material Plane

While coterminous with Eberron, life blossoms on the Material Plane where it touches Irian. Days are brighter, colors are more vibrant, sensations are more intense. Unlike with most other planes, Irian’s influence does not reach to specific places on the Material Plane during its coterminous phases. Rather, its manifestations occur for the hour surrounding noon across Eberron.   As life blossoms when Irian draws near, life loses its bloom when Irian moves to its remote position. Nights are darker, colors seem to fade, and a numbness hangs in the air.
Dimensional plane


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