Kythri Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


A roiling soup of land, water, air, protoplasmic ooze, fire, magma, hissing steam, smoke, dust, ice, blinding light, pitch darkness, acid, flashing lightning, cacophonous sound, and seemingly every other substance and energy found in the universe fills the plane of Kythri. Every part of the plane constantly changes. A creature, native or just visiting, can sometimes exert enough will to hold a location constant and stable—for a short time.  


  • Slaadi are the primary inhabitants of this plane.
  • Chaos beasts originate here as well.
  • Some githzerai make their home here, usually in monasteries kept stable by collective thought.

Effects on the Material Plane

Kythri’s proximity has no unusual effects on the Material Plane, though popular superstition links its coterminous phase to historical periods of unrest and conflict. For example, some stargazers believe that Kythri was coterminous to Eberron’s Material Plane in the years before King Jarot’s death and the first decades after the start of the Last War, but no firm evidence exists to support this theory.   When Kythri is remote, it exerts no noticeable effect on the Material Plane.   True to the plane’s chaotic nature, Kythri’s movement through the Astral Plane is utterly erratic, entering a coterminous phase at apparently random intervals and remaining in that state for anywhere from a day to a century.
Dimensional plane


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