Risia Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Risia, also called the Plain of Ice, is exactly that: a plane that is comprised of layers of snow and ice. In some places these are piled so high as to form mountains, and in others, snowy valleys give way to valleys hosting frozen rivers. The weather is harsh and unforgiving, with the daily temperature averaging -18°C and often experiencing extreme blizzards, ice storms, or worse.    


  • Genasi, in particular, ice genasi
  • Devils, ruled over by ice devils, and including cold-aligned devils of various kinds
  • Ice paraelementals
  • Demons, corrupted by the ice powers of Cryonax, the primordial demon that rules over Risia’s north
  • Wandering goliaths
  • Rime hounds

Effects on the Material Plane

When Risia is coterminous to the Material Plane, regions of intense cold—primarily the Frostfell in the distant north, but also the northern reaches of Khorvaire—begin to take on some of the plane’s traits. Conditions of extreme cold (air temperature below –30°C) become even more intense.Entering an area of intense cold (such as a raging blizzard in the Frostfell) while Risia is coterminous has a 30% chance of opening a temporary conduit to Risia, taking creatures within their areas to the Plain of Ice. Similarly, natives of Risia can enter the Material Plane in such areas, and are 70% likely to be encountered near any area of intense cold.   When Risia is remote from the Material Plane, cold becomes somewhat less intense. Conditions of extreme cold (air temperature below –30°C) are reduced in severity.
Dimensional plane


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