Shavarath Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Shavarath the Battleground is one of the planes of Eberron that is gripped in an eternal war as three groups vie for control of the plane, a host of angels and archons called The Shining Legion, an army of devils called The Lords Six, and a swarm of demons called The Horde. The origin of this war has been lost to time but it seems to have been going on for at least hundreds of thousands of years. Every few centuries one side would gain ground over the others only to be swiftly put in check. Due to the immense violence created by the conflict and the massive causalities it causes, historians have taken to calling it The Blood War.  

Effects on the Material Plane

When Shavarath draws near, echoes of its endless battles manifest on the Material Plane. In any area embroiled in combat, the enhanced magic and impeded magic traits of Shavarath spill onto the Material Plane. Also, storms of whirling blades are known to appear at the sites of great battles, both past and present, when Shavarath is coterminous.   When Shavarath is remote, no known effects manifest on the Material Plane.
Dimensional plane


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