Syrania Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Crystalline cities float in Syrania’s endless expanse of clear blue sky, their spires glittering in the ambient radiance of its perfect atmosphere. These cities, each ruled by a solar, are the homes of the angels. Angels are the only known inhabitants of this plane, and—though little is known of Syrania—it seems to be a nearly perfect paradise.  

Effects on the Material Plane

When Syrania is coterminous, the skies are cloudless and richly blue during the day, and deep midnight blue even in the darkest hour of the night. It is possible to travel to Syrania simply by flying upward to the limit of Eberron’s atmosphere. When Syrania is remote, the sky is slate gray or white during the day and lightless black at night.  


Angels of all descriptions are the sole natives of Syrania.
Dimensional plane


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