Thelanis Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Thelanis, also called the Feywild, is a place of immense natural beauty and arcane power. Its forests stretch much farther than any woodland of Eberron, and is a realm of wild nature unbounded and untouched by civilization. Within Thelanis, the Faerie Court exists as a gathering place for the civilized races who call the Feywild home. Its shadowy spires of enchanting beauty are surrounded by mesmerizing lights that look like dancing lanterns.   The Feyspires, the eladrin cities of Eberron, once cycled through phasing in and out of Thelanis, spending varying amounts of time in one plane or the other, but since the Day of Mourning this cycle has stopped. Also, lycanthropes fleeing the crusade that nearly exterminated their kind from Eberron made new homes in the Feywild, and have grown abundant there in short time.  

Effects on the Material Plane

When Thelanis is coterminous to the Material Plane, certain magical areas manifest on Eberron, primarily in wilderness areas but also in groves nearer to civilization. Faerie rings (circles of toadstools) and faerie mounds (small bulges in the earth) can be found at such times, often accompanied by mysterious lights. These features are points where the boundary between the planes is thin and passage in either direction can occur easily. Travelers are wise to avoid mysterious lights, for the natives of Thelanis have been known to lure mortals to their native realm—often with no hostile intent, but heedless of the effect that spending time in the Faerie Court can have on the natives of Eberron. When Thelanis is remote, fey creatures grow less populous and their power fades.


Thelanis is one expansive lush forest, with trees of enchanting beauty surrounded by mesmerizing lights. Phosphorescence gleams on plants and stones, lighting the eternal twilight of the plane, while the sky is full of strange stars.   Every day in Thelanis equals a week on the Material Plane, this time catches up to any person traveling back to the Material Plane. If one spends too much time on Thelanis, moving back to Eberron might suddenly kill the person of old age.

Fauna & Flora

Fae creatures, including dryads, nymphs, satyrs, and more, come from the Feywild.
Dimensional plane


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