Xoriat Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Beyond words or comprehension, Xoriat is aptly called the Realm of Madness. Not only do its alien geometry and unspeakable inhabitants seem like the product of a madman’s nightmare, but any who visit Xoriat risk finding their minds shattered by the experience.    


  • The masters of Xoriat are the daelkyr, found here in abundance.
  • Mind flayers are found here as well, though they may have been brought here from Eberron by the daelkyr
  • Various pseudonatural creatures exist in Xoriat

Effects on the Material Plane

  Like Dal Quor, Xoriat’s last period of being coterminous with the Material Plane was a disastrous period of warfare. Over seven thousand years ago, Xoriat became coterminous and the daelkyr sent their minions into Khorvaire to conquer it. Before the orc and hobgoblin druids known as the Gatekeepers managed to end the planes’ alignment, the mind flayers and lesser minions of the daelkyr had decimated the hobgoblin empire of Dhakaan. The Gatekeepers’ magic was less cataclysmic than the giants’ attempt to close the connection to Dal Quor, however; Xoriat moved quickly out of alignment but is sure to return one day.
Dimensional plane


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