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Dagmar Alpenblade

Master of Efficiency Dagmar Alpenblade (a.k.a. The Professor)

Dagmar will always look for creative ways to end an encounter, get information or simply try and impress anybody around with the skills of tinkering magic. He will defend his life or a dear friend, or a complete stranger....but he always tries to not take the life first. Smart, creative and cunning, Dagmar is a welcomed addition to any adventuring troupe, but he is awkward, and has a dry sense of humor that will take effort becoming used to.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slight, but not scrawny. Timid and unsure at first glance, with enigmatic stares off into space whilst dreaming of his next improvement or invention.

Body Features

Dragonmarked with the Mark of Making, hands are scarred and calloused from constant inventing, tinkering and exploding failures.

Facial Features

Moustache, thick and black. Hair slicked back, black in colour with silver streaks throughout...stress or age the cause, but not sure which one.

Identifying Characteristics

Lots of gear hanging off, tinkering goggles usually around his neck or up top on his head, not usually over his eyes as the protection they are meant to be.

Physical quirks

His tongue always sticks out to a side while thinking critically, or very focused on an invention, or efficiency improvement.

Special abilities

As an Artificer, he is gifted with the ability to imbue everyday objects with Magic, as well channel the Magic into spells and transmutations.

Apparel & Accessories

Bag of Holding as a satchel, leather boots adorned with light plating, a tabard with the symbol of House Cannith that has been magically marked out in red as he was expelled for attempting to make his own warforged from salvaged parts of the house. He tries to cover the House Mark under a military style trenchcoat and leather pauldrons to cover his shoulders as he is now on the road seeking adventurers and hopefully friends.

Specialized Equipment

Tunic adorned with the House Cannith, but magically X'd out in red due to his possible permanent expulsion. Chain Shirt adorned under his clothing. Long draping trench coat in Brelish Blue and gold and red accents. Studded leather pauldrons to protect his shoulders, custom tinker gloves to deploy his tools at the flick of a wrist and studded leather boots for extra protection. Bag of holding on his side, backpack and bedroll on his back, wielding a longsword, shield and pistol. Tinker goggles sometimes in the right location protecting his eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Breland, raised by Gnomes of Zilargo who somehow ended up with him in a basket after a series of trades as a baby on a Diplomatic Trade Mission.....was raised to an age of 7 and when he surpassed the Gnomes in height and appetite they inquired with one of their top contacts at a powerful family house of Khorvaire.....House d'Cannith who noticed his skills and couldn't pass over the potential of the trade. A true tinkerer and gadgeteer. Dagmar will always look for creative ways to end an encounter, get information or simply try and impress anybody around with the skills of tinkering magic. He will defend his life or a dear friend, or a complete stranger....but he always tries to not take the life first. After being raised by gnomes and learning the ways of tinkering and the ability to imbue magic into objects, a Lord of house Cannith took notice and brought him in to mold as an asset and possible weapon for his house. Not showing the killer instinct that they had hoped, the skilled gagdeteer was sent to the R&D department and more specifically maintenance. Relieved by this decision, as he could work alone and potentially create the friends he struggled to make by collecting spare parts and components when and wherever he could. After several attempts and after several years, Dagmar's skills were getting quite good when he was sought out by a younger talent trying to move up in the House of Cannith , and turned over for theft of the house wares and goods. Dagmar was than cast aside, further increasing his dislike of humans, and making a personal mission to get across Khorvaire and attempt to help as many warforged as possible to become their own independent persons with their own lands to call home. Now cast from the house that he worked at for so long, he was sent on his way, however not empty handed. The next in line to the head of the house had always enjoyed talking with Dagmar and made sure he had everything he needed from his shop to survive. Tinkering tools, Smith's tools, thieves tools, and more. He also handed along 500gp to ensure his safety as he would have to use all of his skills to survive. Luckily leaving house Cannith, he had encountered Warforged he recently helped repair and recognizing him on the road approached Maximus Decimus Prime, offering an accord of sorts. To maintain and upgrade whenever possible to find their way through Khorvaire, improving the Warforged as a community and adventuring across the lands as he never had the opportunity beforehand.


Tutored under the Maintenance Meister, Felix. Taught him everything he knew and unlocked Dagmar's true potential. Felix trained in the former Cyre before the Mourning. There are many workshops and enclaves located in the Mournland that Felix worked in and around. This is an area of interest to Dagmar for a multitude of reasons.


R & D Master of Efficiency for the House of Cannith (Former)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Engineered a more efficient means of data processing for frontline Warforged during the Last War. Improvised a set of gloves that produce his tinkerer's tools from the wrist of the gauntlet, allowing for quick improvisations and repairs.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being undermined by a younger member of the House looking to move up in rank, Mordecai Liverwurst painted a picture that was untrue and unbecoming of Dagmar. Accusing him of stealing precious items when in fact he was only recovering what had already been discarded as refuse in an attempt to build a Warforged like none before. As close to human as you could get without all the greedy, power hungry traits we all know that follows the human race.

Mental Trauma

Being cast aside so easily, from a house he worked so hard for. His word being vilified by a younger member of the house without consideration to his past and past services.   Not ever knowing his birth parents and the lost knowledge of ancestral roots that accompanies being orphaned. Deep longing for acceptance and to know if there are any blood relatives alive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly sharp and intelligent. Can generally think his way out of most situations. But horribly aloof. No street smarts, can be very gullible and doesn't take to kindly to being duped or used. But can't see any of that coming if his life depended on it.

Morality & Philosophy

Good at heart, holds a mean streak when pushed but rarely lets it show. He will try to help as best he can whenever he can, but will not sacrifice himself in the end regarding strangers or foes.

Personality Characteristics


Knowledge. Knowledge will unlock the secrets to the world, and hopefully restore Cyre to it's former glory, as a safeplace for inventors and warforged sympathizers and refugees alike.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Zero Street smarts.   Technology of Eberron is his bitch.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes most humans. Feels betrayed by his own kind for very menial and and reaching reasons. He is more trusting of other races, but feels most comfortable around Gnomish kind, as he was raised by Gnomes of Zilargo, and Warforged. He has spent more time conversing with warforged during maintenance and repair than he has with any other living creature.

Virtues & Personality perks

He longs for peace between the races and Warforged. One of his goals is to reunite the Cyran Refugees with their land, and give the warforged an area of their own with the refugees to try and establish a free state with no restrictions on what race or construct can or cannot enter and make a homestead. Cyre will hold a special place with Dagmar as his mentor was born, raised and educated there. Dagmar wants to pay homage to Felix, and reclaim potential lost treasures and knowledge left behind in the Mourning. As well it being his percieved ancestral homeland, he feels a strong urge to return there and find out what he does not know.


Keeps clean, as tinkering requires clean surfaces and tools for success.


Contacts & Relations

Maintainence Master Felix of House Cannith. He will always have time and help available for Felix, and vice versa. Felix would do anything for Dagmar, however, Dagmar asked Felix to allow him to be expelled. He did not want to bring shame or misfortune onto Felix for associating and aiding Dagmar. He attempts to make contact from time to time via his artificing magic.   Sir Reginald Edwin Gore; a Knighted Human Hunter with whom he fostered a relationship with during his time at House Cannith, who comes from an old wealthy family of Breland and is the sole remaining Male Heir to the family. Sir Reginald heard of Dagmar's abilities and skills with creating and tinkering. After a bout of a flesh eating disease Sir Reginald required prosthetic or face certain death. After planning the prosthetic limbs and gathering the appropriate spare materials and scrap from other projects, Dagmar was able to create a new leg and arm for Sir Reginald that did not require any special attunement. A feat not heard of many times in the past if not ever at all. This was one of the few friendships that Dagmar has fostered, with a human at least. Through correspondance and not meeting, Dagmar got to know Sir Reginald, and was fully comfortable with him upon completion of his new arm and leg. Now that he is expelled from the House d'Cannith, Sir Reginald may very well be one of the first and only people he seeks out as to what to do next.

Family Ties

House Cannith, he attempts to maintain a relationship with despite the leaderships desire to keep him expelled. He doesn't know much of his birth parents. He heard as a child that they orginated from Cyre between 900YK and 950YK, which has always fueled a sense of intrigue and longing to belong to something, anything now that the house he served has shunned him. This desire to find all he can about his birthparents, could be a motivating factor in decisions and adventures. Attempting to form a group or band of adventurers, as he is houseless and on the road. He has an idea of where to begin with a few names on his mind....Thorn, Sir Reginald Edwin Gore, and Maximus Decimus Prime.

Religious Views

He believes in his inventions, creations, warforged and a new Cyre where he and others like him can live in peace and harmony.

Social Aptitude



Socially Awkward, with a dry sense of humor.

Hobbies & Pets

Followed by his trusty "Steel Defender" construct named Dan. Full name: Steely Dan D'Cannith.


Common and Gnomish, fluent in both.

Wealth & Financial state

Dwindling as he struggles to cope with life outside the walls of House Cannith.

Timid, shy and untrusting of humans. A tinkerer and adventurer by nature, always looking for creative ways out of tricky situations!

Current Location
Breland, Khorvaire
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of Efficiency
Date of Birth
14th of Sypheros 958 YK
Wroat, Breland, Khorvaire
Current Residence
Recently expelled from House Cannith
Black with Silver streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and worked
5ft 8"
165 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"BOLLOCKS!"   "Do you smell burning?"   "I TOLD YOU SO!"   " told me so..."
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish

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