Jaela Daran Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Jaela Daran

Keeper Jaela Daran

Jaela Daran is an eleven-year-old human girl who serves as the Keeper of the Flame, the spiritual leader of the Church of the Silver Flame. She lives in the Cathedral of the Silver Flame in Flamekeep. She is one of the most powerful clerics on Eberron but must stay near Flamekeep with the Silver Flame in order to receive her powers.   Jaela seems to be a humble, modest and meek young girl. Perhaps more so than you'd think for someone whose pronouncements alter the direction of a nation. Anyone fortunate enough to have access to the Cathedral might run into Jaela in the halls, walking barefoot on the cold marble floors, murmuring quietly to herself and playing fetch with Skaravojen.   Jaela was born around 987 YK as the daughter of a simple craftsman in Flamekeep. At the age of four she had manifested the ability to predict catastrophic events through dreams and nightmares, leading her concerned father to contact Cardinal Hagaci. She was brought before the Silver Flame, who warned Jaela of a secret Cult of the Dragon Below operating within the walls of Flamekeep. After the cult was promptly eradicated by Thrane's knights, Jaela's ability was confirmed. Following these events, Lavira Tagor stepped down as Keeper and the Council of Cardinals dutifully appointed Jaela, now 6 years old, as the new Keeper in 993 YK.   War remains on the mind of Thrane's government. To Jaela's advisors, and other leaders, the current peace presents a chance to recuperate from losses and prepare for the future conflict. However, Jaela believes that war is a futile endeavour, except for war dedicated to wiping out true evil. The Silver Flame doesn't call for war, it calls for protecting the innocent, and Jaela believes that the Flame is saddened by the Last War, and the continuing tensions. Her power within the theocracy isn't as ironclad as some might believe it to be, and she has had to learn to negotiate her course carefully and with deliberation.
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th Therendor
Year of Birth
987 YK 12 Years old
Current Residence
Cathedral of the Flame, Flamekeep
Black with white streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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