Aereni Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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For thousands of years, the island nation of Aerenal has been ruled and protected by the godlike power of the Undying Court, a council of undead high elves. The greatest heroes of the Aereni join the Undying Court after death, joining their heroic ancestors in immortality.   The Aereni are isolationists who have little interest in the world beyond their island. The Five Nations are a place of chaos and war, so why would any sensible elf venture into that madness? As you make an Aereni elf character, decide what has caused you to leave your island home and the protection of the Undying Court in order to wander the world. Are you in search of a power that could earn you your place in the Undying Court? Have you been given a quest by one of your own deathless ancestors? Or are you an exile, banished from your homeland for some crime against your people’s rulers?   Consider your character’s personal and family history. What is your family known for, and how can you prove yourself to be a master of these skills? Do you have ancestors in the Undying Court, and if so, what’s your relationship with them? Do you find it challenging to deal with the short-lived races, or are you patient with them?
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